
How to Find Creative Inspiration for Your Next Door Hanger Design

by | Jul 31, 2024

Struggling to find inspiration for your door hanger designs? You’re not alone! I’ve been making door hangers for quite some time now, and I still run into moments of feeling unsure of what to design next. 

I also know that sometimes searching all over Pinterest and Google doesn’t cut it. You just want something that can spark new ideas and get you excited about crafting again…but where can you find it? 

You’ve come to the right place!

Below are some of my BEST tips that help me find creative inspiration for new door hanger designs. If you’re in a crafting slump right now, this will help you get back on track to creating something amazing (and having fun while doing it, too!). 

Creative inspiration tip #1: Change the scenery

One of my favorite ways to get inspired is to leave the four walls of my craft room and change up the scenery. This could look like so many different things, from changing rooms in the house, working on the back patio, or taking my iPad with me during vacation!

Yes…vacation! For whatever reason, the creative ideas start flowing when I’m out of my normal element, so I learned a long time ago to bring my iPad with me wherever we go!

It’s really easy to pull out the iPad while the kids are hanging out at the pool or cozying up watching a movie. There are little to no distractions, and I’m free to play around with new ideas on Procreate because there’s no pressure to meet deadlines. It’s all just creative fun!

If you don’t have an iPad or don’t want to take it with you, a mixed-media pad and some simple supplies (watercolors, brushes, pencils, etc.) work great, too!

Creative inspiration tip #2: Try window shopping

What if you’re not going on vacation anytime soon? That’s where window shopping comes in!

Go to boutiques and home decor stores

Going to local boutiques, Hobby Lobby, Pier One, Kirkland’s, and TJ Maxx are great ways to generate new ideas. They have so much to get inspired by, whether it’s a porch sign, small seasonal figurines (like pumpkins!), or even a cute graphic tee. 

There’s definitely something that can get the gears turning there!

Check out art galleries and museums

Just need some general artistic inspiration? Art galleries or museums are a great place to start. They’re full of things you don’t see every day, and because these places are born out of creativity, it’s hard NOT to feel inspired after a day trip there!

Try the market

If you can visit or are in the local area, business markets in Dallas or Atlanta are always a favorite! They’re a huge resale warehouse of sorts for businesses, and you can always gauge what’s popular or about to be by seeing what they have in stock. It’s definitely worth a trip there if you can!

Creative inspiration tip #3: Eliminate background noise

When you’re in the thick of business owner mode or work mode (or even mom mode!), finding the mental space you need to get the ideas flowing is tough. There’s just too much background noise happening to get focused. 

Whenever this happens, I’ll take a step back. I get my mind quiet by taking a walk, taking a nap, or watching my current favorite on Netflix. Sometimes I listen to podcasts, too. It all depends on the easiest way to find quiet time on that particular day.

Sometimes, I’ll even work on my iPad with those podcasts or shows on in the background. They’re good “white noises” to block out all the noise clutter!

Creative inspiration tip #4: Work out the composition first

Maybe you have an idea in your head but struggle to put it together on paper. I totally get that! You know what you want to create; you just aren’t sure how. 

I have a little trick for this! If you have an iPad, open up Procreate. Then, Google search for vector graphics that match what you want to create. 

Let’s say you’re going for a fall-themed door hanger design, with a pumpkin and some leaves. You would search for a vector image of both items, and then import them into Procreate. Don’t worry about the style matching yours — this is just for inspiration!

Then, play around with the composition of your design until it matches what you have in your head. When you’ve got something you like, you can use that to guide you as you create a new design in your own style!

If you don’t have an iPad or Procreate, you can also try using a pen or pencil and some sketch paper. When you’re done, just snap a picture, upload it to your preferred design app, and go from there!

Creative inspiration tip #5: Tidy up your craft room

Our environments can play a big role in how creative we feel. If your craft room is a wreck (like most of ours are…guilty!), it’s going to be hard to feel inspired. That’s why I highly recommend tidying up your workspace – spring cleaning style!

Going through what you have, like old, forgotten supplies buried underneath all your crafts, can spark up new ideas on the spot. 

That ribbon you bought at Hobby Lobby but never used? It could be a fun addition to your next design! Have extra glitter lying around? It may be able to breathe some new life into an old design. 

Plus, having a clean workspace is better for focus mode. It goes hand in hand with what I said about eliminating background noise earlier. Minimizing clutter creates space (literally and figuratively!) to explore new ideas — and maybe come up with your best design yet!

BONUS TIP: Join the Painter’s Clubhouse!

If you’re not sure what to design next, the best thing you can do is to avoid forcing it. Take a break, create a space where you can concentrate, and then come back to it. The ideas will eventually come! 

Want even more ways to strike up some creative inspiration? Join the Painter’s Clubhouse!

This monthly membership group gives you access to a new project every month, with my step-by-step guidance as we work on it together. It doesn’t matter if you’re a seasoned pro or are totally new to this — there’s a space inside for you!

Interested in learning more? We’re currently closed for new members, but you can add your name to the waitlist to be notified as soon as the doors open again!


Door Hangers for Beginners

A 5-part video series that will teach you how to create your own door hangers, step-by-step. Perfect for beginners and newbies alike!


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