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Box of Chocolates Door Hanger

by | Feb 4, 2022

Supply List

  1. large flat tip brush 
  2. 3/4 inch flat tip brush
  3. filbert tip brush
  4. round tip brush
  5. Box of Chocolates Blank
  6. OR free template

DecoArt Americana Paint Colors:

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chocolates southern adoornments decor

Get the Free Box of Chocolates Template

Did you know that I have a free library filled with templates and tutorials for you to use? This is a wonderful resource for a beginner painter wanting to dip their toes in the door hanger painting world. You can snag the FREE template for this adorable box of chocolates right here on my website then follow along with the video tutorial or the step by steps below! 

Getting Started on the Box of Chocolates Door Hanger

This box of chocolates door hanger is making me hungry so let’s dive right in to creating it just how we like! 

To start, you will paint the inside of the candy heart using the Primary Red color and a large flat tip brush. Next, using a 3/4 inch flat tip brush paint the outer lace scallops using the color, White. Using the template for the candy pieces and pencil, go over the lines of the candy pieces with a pencil so that you can transfer it to your door hanger. Once you’ve gone over the lines, lay the pencil traced side down and trace over your template with a pen so that your design transfers.

Next, using the color, Country Maple, and a 3/4 inch flat tip brush, paint the lightest pieces of candy in the box of chocolates. Mix the Cinnamon Brown with a little bit of Burnt Umber to paint the milk chocolate candy pieces. Using a round tip brush and grey paint, add three small circles in each lace scallop to create an eyelet effect.

After you have finished the eyelet, mix a little bit of Antique White with the Country Maple paint to create a lighter shade. Using a Filbert Tip brush, add a subtle shade to the edge of the lighter chocolates. Next, drip one drop of Black paint in with the Burnt Umber and mix it to create a dark brown. Shade the dark chocolate pieces with this dark brown. Finally, using white paint and a small round tip brush, add some white hearts to the heart chocolates and some white details to the chocolates.

Your Next Steps

Now that the basics of your box of chocolates are complete, it’s time to add some details and shading! Using Black paint and a round tip brush, add some crinkle paper to the edges of the chocolate by creating a rickrack around each piece of chocolate. Still using Black paint but switching to a larger round tip brush, paint a thick black line around the outer edge of the heart.

Next, add some black shadows to the grey eyelets around the edges. Still using Black paint, add some wiggly lines along the scallops of the edges. Switch to white paint and a round tip brush to add some detail highlights around the edges of your candy. Finally, mix a tiny bit of black paint with the red to create a darker shade of red and add wiggles between your candies on the red background. This will create dimension and add movement to your door hanger. Once this step is done, you have your very own box of chocolates!

box of chocolates door hanger with a bow on a door

Get Access to the Free Template

If you loved this box of chocolates door hanger tutorial, don’t forget that you can sign up for access to the free library which gives you access to a free template of this exact design. Just enter your email and then we’ll send the password right over. Plan a girls’ night and spend your Valentine’s Day painting this fun box of chocolates!


Door Hangers for Beginners

A 5-part video series that will teach you how to create your own door hangers, step-by-step. Perfect for beginners and newbies alike!


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