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Top Ten Beginner’s Tips for Painting Door Hangers

by | Feb 25, 2020

You guys probably already know how much I love my Facebook “village” of painters and friends! It’s been such a blessing to me to connect and be creative, brainstorm ideas, practice new techniques, and just hang out with so many amazing people. I love being able to share what I’ve learned about painting door hangers, and to get new tricks from everybody else. And so today, I wanted to share some of my favorite top ten tips for beginners for painting door hangers – gathered right from some of my facebook friends!

Note: Affiliate links included within this post for your convenience. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. 

Even though I paint all the time now, I still remember what it was like when I first started. Being a beginner is hard! It’s a challenge to figure everything out, and it’s scary to make those first paint strokes on a blank door hanger. Even now, sometimes I still get stuck when I start a new design or want to try a new technique – it happens to all of us!

So first of all, don’t be afraid to try it! You can definitely DIY your own door hanger! Start here with my list of all of my recommended supplies and resources that you need. Then follow along with some of these great tips from my facebook followers to inspire you!

Hand and paint brush painting a door hanger

Getting Started

  • “Don’t let the first coat discourage you. The first coat always looks bad”. -Chantal Bertrand


  • “Make mistakes… make lots of mistakes… this is the way you keep learning and improving! Enjoy the journey.” -Pam Childress


  • “Don’t expect to get one coat coverage.” -Debbie Pickering

While You’re Painting

  • “Don’t give up! If your first few don’t turn out exactly the way you want…keep going. With doorhangers, imperfection is most likely perfect! Most of all have FUN!” -Jo-Andrea Duckett
  • “Baby wipes are your best friend.” – Lisa Dawn


Posca Pen Handlettering Technique on Door Hanger

  • “Don’t judge a piece by step 3 of a 10 step process. Nothing looks complete by step 3….
    Finish and step away. Cleanse your mental palate with something else. When you return it always looks 10x better than what you originally thought.” -Erika Wallace

Wrapping Up the Details

  • “Learn to highlight! It makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE in your paintings!” -Brooke Riley


  • “Less is more. What I mean is… when I was outlining and highlighting my first ever door hanger I went overboard! It had so many highlights…” – Tanya Kennedy


  • “Do not compare your work with others…it’s yours!” – Leanne Labiuk


  • “Be patient with yourself. And breathe!” -Detra Knapp

Tamara painting words

And My Personal Tips for Beginners for Painting Door Hangers…

Tamara holding a Rustic Mason Jar Door Hanger

Stop stressing and just do it! Nobody needs to worry about perfection when they’re painting a door hanger. I know I don’t! If you’re feeling intimidated by painting a door hanger head to my blog post here for a confidence boost!

I’m all about having fun and finding a creative outlet for yourself. Painting door hangers is therapeutic and can be however you want it to be.

So just head over to Hobby Lobby or go online to my painter’s resource shop at Amazon and start with a few supplies that catch your eye. You can even check out this gift guide I have for the beginner painter to see what supplies I suggest. Then carve out some time, take a look through some of my video tutorials, and go for it! 

Before you know it, you will be painting all different kinds of door hangers without even blinking an eye. And you might even start selling your door hangers, or doing a paint party business, and making a little money!

Get My Free eBook of More Tips for Beginners- Door Hangers 101!

Are you a complete beginner and still aren’t sure how to paint door hangers? Want even more great painting and crafting tips? Make sure you’ve signed up for my free eBook: “Door Hangers 101 – Everything You Need to Know About Making Your Own Door Hanger!” This quick download will give you all of the basics and tips for beginners you need, from how to find the perfect brushes to choosing the best paint for your door hangers! And then get into my free Facebook group, Door Hanger Painting Tips, for more inspiration and fellowship!

Ready to Do More? Come Paint With Me In the Painters’ Clubhouse!

Are you ready to learn more about how to DIY your own painted door hangers? Sign up for my beginners’ course now! Then make sure you get on the waitlist for my Painters’ Clubhouse, where my members join me each month to paint together, learn new techniques, and practice our craft together! It only opens twice a year, and will be opening again very soon! Once you join the waitlist, you’ll be the first to know when spots are open!

Painter's Clubhouse Monthly Membership


Door Hangers for Beginners

A 5-part video series that will teach you how to create your own door hangers, step-by-step. Perfect for beginners and newbies alike!


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