
Which Type of Wood to Use When Cutting Door Hangers

by | Nov 30, 2021

After many years of cutting and painting door hangers, I have tried several different types of wood. With a lot of trial and error, I can tell you that the 1/4” Revolution Plywood from Lowe’s is what I’ve found to work best when cutting with a jigsaw. Over time it has become my favorite wood to use.

How to Choose the Right Type of Wood for Door Hangers

When choosing wood to cut door hangers you want to be sure that you are choosing something that is lightweight and smooth. You don’t want it to splinter badly as it is being cut. The Revolution Plywood that I recommend is a form of underlayment. However, it’s important to note that not all underlayment is created equal. I have tried other brands and some splinter or the wood starts to separate. It’s also important to watch for markings or words stamped on the back of the wood. Sometimes these words cannot be painted over.

Tamara Bennett Standing in front of Wood Choices

Other Types of Wood Options

Another great option for cutting door hangers is using the 1/4” smooth MDF. This type of MDF can be difficult to find in some stores, but you can always ask if they can special order it. I’m not kidding when I say this wood cuts like butter, and when it comes to painting, the paint goes on so smoothly. The only downfall to this wood is that you have to seal over MDF really well when you’re finished painting. If you don’t, over time, you may face problems with moisture causing the wood to warp.

Wanting to Cut Several Door Hangers at Once?

If you’re planning to cut out several door hangers at once, I recommend that you don’t cut the 4’x8’ sheet of wood down to a smaller size unless you have to. I understand that sometimes we don’t really have a choice and we have to cut our wood down so that it fits in our vehicle on the ride home, but if you can avoid it you won’t regret it! By keeping your wood in one big sheet, you’ve be able to get the most cuts from your wood by nesting each design closely to the next. I have gotten as many as 12 to 15 door hangers on one sheet before! Now that is getting the best bang for your buck!

Ready to Start Your Next Project?

Now that you know which wood is best, you might find yourself looking for more tips on painting and cutting door hangers. Check out my blog post on cutting door hangers in bulk where I show you step by step how to lay out your wood for optimal cuts. That’s a wrap on this post, so head to your local Lowe’s and grab some wood to start your next door hanger project!


Door Hangers for Beginners

A 5-part video series that will teach you how to create your own door hangers, step-by-step. Perfect for beginners and newbies alike!


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