
Painting a Christmas Lantern Wreath Attachment

by | Nov 24, 2021

Supply List

  1. Christmas Lantern Blank OR
  2. Christmas Lantern Template
  3. 1 inch flat tip brush
  4. 1/2 inch flat tip brush
  5. 1/4 inch flat tip brush
  6. Liner Brush
  7. White Posca Paint Pen 5M
  8. Black Posca Paint Pen 3M

DecoArt Americana Paint Colors:

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Tamara Bennett holding the complete christmas lantern door hanger

Christmas Lantern Blank or Template?

Before we get started you have to decide if you want to order a blank from my shop or purchase a template and cut the design yourself. If you’re unsure which you need, you can checkout this blog post that explains the difference between a template and blank. I used an etched blank from our shop for this live tutorial. Blanks available for purchase can come etched or unetched. If you choose an etched blank all of the lines will already be etched into the door hanger for you. It’s very similar to paint by numbers that you did as a kid. If you choose an unetched blank, you might want a template and graphite paper to transfer lines to your door hanger if you don’t want to free hand your design. Which blank you choose is totally up to you! If you choose to purchase the template from my shop, you will use it to cut the door hanger yourself and then trace over the lines to transfer your design onto your door hanger. Now that you know how to choose a blank or a template for this tutorial, let’s start painting!

Painting The Christmas Lantern DIY Wreath Attachment

I really love how the colors that I chose for this door hanger compliment each other! First you’re going to use the color Sea Breeze and a one inch flat tip brush to paint what would be the glass part of the lantern. In order to lighten it up and give it that glass look you will add some white paint on your brush and paint over some of the Sea Breeze areas that you just did. Next, use the color Burlap to paint a base coat on the lantern. While the Burlap paint is still wet, dip your paint brush in Pebble and shade along the edges of the lantern. Use the color Light Buttermilk and a 1/2 inch flat tip brush to paint the candle. Use a round tip brush and the color Canyon Orange to paint the flame of the candle. Next, use the color Marigold to paint the center of the flame. Finally, mix Marigold with White to make a lighter yellow color that will go in the very middle center of the flame.

Paint Colors Used for the Christmas Lanter

Let’s Paint the Poinsettia!

Moving on to the flower that accents our DIY wreath attachment, paint the leaves behind the Poinsettia using the color Hauser Dark Green. Add some of the Marigold paint along the edges and blend them to highlight your leaves. Use the color Primary Red to paint the Poinsettia and the color Tomato Red to paint along the edges of the Poinsettia petals and add shading. Switch to a liner brush and Tomato Red paint to add the veins to the petals. Finally, use the color Marigold to paint the Poinsettia center. Tada, our beautiful poinsettias are complete!

It’s All In the Details!

The details you add to your DIY wreath attachment can really make your finished project pop! I love using Posca paint pens because they glide so smoothly across the wood and the finished details really add a whimsical effect to your door hanger. If you’ve been following along, you know I love adding whimsical details to my door hangers. To start, use a 5M White Posca Paint Pen to add some highlight lines to your door hanger. Next, switch to a 3M Black Posca Paint Pen to add some accent lines along your door hanger to tidy everything up. When your details are complete and all your paint is dry, this is the perfect door hanger to gift to a holiday party host this Christmas!

Posca Paint Pen being used to add details to the Christmas lantern

Catch the Replay

I love the way this Christmas Lantern DIY wreath attachment turned out! Did you miss me painting this tutorial live or you just want a visual to follow along with as you recreate this door hanger for yourself? You can catch the replay below. Get creative and change up the flower colors and paint this Christmas Lantern differently so that is festive for other seasons and not just Christmas. If you do recreate this DIY wreath attachment, I would love to see it! Share your finished project with me on Facebook when I share the Made It Monday post next week. I love seeing your creativity shine!

Related Resources


Door Hangers for Beginners

A 5-part video series that will teach you how to create your own door hangers, step-by-step. Perfect for beginners and newbies alike!


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