
How to Shop for Paint Brushes

by | Mar 17, 2022

Ever find yourself shopping for paint brushes and overwhelmed with all the options? While there are a large variety of paint  brushes to choose from as well as different ways to use each one, I highly recommend just experimenting with different brushes and see which one fits your painting needs best!

Paint Brushes I Always Have on Hand

I always keep a variety of paint brushes on hand, however, I find myself reaching for my flat tip brush over and over again. I also reach for a filbert tip, liner brush, and angular brush occasionally as well. You don’t have to have a ton of different brushes to accomplish a professional look with your door hanger.

How I Use Each Paint Brush

I love using a flat tip brush to cover a large area on my door hangers. Often times, I will reach for a smaller flat tip brush to add precision in smaller areas as well. I use a filbert tip brush most often when I am adding lettering or dots to my door hanger. The curve of the filbert tip brush helps with precision in details that are rounded. A liner brush is a teeny, tiny paint brush that is perfect for details. While I do use paint pens often for outlines and details, the liner brush is perfect to use in place of the paint pens with those very fine details. Finally, the angular brush is very handy for decorative shapes like petals. Due to the angle of the brush, you can add one color of paint on the toe (point of the brush) and another on the heel (shorter part of the brush) to create shading on your door hanger.

Where to Shop for Paint Brushes

You can find paint brushes at your local craft store – Hobby Lobby or Michaels – or even your local Walmart!

If you don’t want to head into the store you can shop online for brushes at the DecoArt website and have them shipped straight to your door. If you choose to shop this link at DecoArt, I can earn commissions from your affiliate purchases. I love that DecoArt has paint brush packages with a variety of different brush types. This is perfect for the painter trying to decide what type of paint brush is best for them.

Tamara picking out paint brushes at the craft store

Shop for Paint Too

While you’re at the store, be sure to grab some paint too! My favorite is the DecoArt Americana paint. I have tried many different paint brands, but nothing has provided as much coverage as Americana acrylics. They are my go-to paints. Speaking of go-to paints,  you can get a list of my favorite paint colors that I use for all my projects. Shop my favorites and grab some to add to your collection! 

Tamara picking out paint at Hobby Lobby


Door Hangers for Beginners

A 5-part video series that will teach you how to create your own door hangers, step-by-step. Perfect for beginners and newbies alike!


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