
Harvest Floral Pumpkin Door Hanger

by | Aug 24, 2023

Supply List

  1. Harvest Floral Pumpkin Blank OR Harvest Floral Pumpkin Template
  2. Sponge Pouncer
  3. One inch flat tip brush
  4. Round Tip Brush
  5. 1/2 inch flat tip brush

DecoArt Americana Paint Colors:

Note: Affiliate links included within this post for your convenience. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Tamara holding the Harvest Floral Pumpkin door hanger

Paint the Background

The background of this door hanger is a beautiful blueish-green color and it really makes the design pop! To start, I am going to base coat the entire door hanger with the color Buttermilk. Using the bottom of the paint brush, mix the colors White and Grey Skies then use a one inch flat tip brush to paint the background. Once it is dry, add a second coat.

Next up, we are going to add polka dots! Using the color Laurel, darken it with the color Open Water and a little Navy. To add polka dots use the Sponge Pouncer.

Paint the Polka Dot Background

Paint the Pumpkin and Flowers

Add a second coat of Buttermilk to your pumpkin with a one inch flat tip brush. This is also a great time to fix anything that you might’ve overlapped when painting the polka dots. Using the color Sunset Gold, start to paint the flower with a 1/2 inch wide flat tip brush. Use the color Canyon Orange to paint the next flower that resemble a Marigold. This may need to dry and need a second coat. Use the color Santa Red, to paint the next flower. You may need a few coats of paint on this flower. Using the color Holly Green, paint the greenery on your door hanger.

Paint the Details

Using the color Sable Brown paint the pumpkin stem. Paint the center of the yellow flower with the same color. Still using Sable Brown and switching to a round tip brush, add sprigs to the pumpkin. Using Dark Chocolate add the darker brown sprigs to the left of the pumpkin. Then add the outlines to the stem of the pumpkin. Using the small round tip brush, paint the stems of the flowers using the color Holly Green. Add a few sprigs of Sunset Yellow to the thistles on the left of the pumpkin.

Accent the Flowers and Paint the Berries

Using a round tip brush and the color Sunset Yellow, paint the accents that are on the orange flower. Paint the flower center of the red flower with the color Sunset Yellow. Mix a bit of the darker brown with the Sable Brown to accent the edges of the flower on the right. Using black paint darken the red paint used on the flower on the right and use it to accent the petals and add dots to the center.  Mix a teeny bit of black paint with the color Holly Green to create a darker shade of green. Use this color to accent the leaves. Finally, using the color Dark Chocolate add some dots to the center of the sunflower. Use the color Dioxazine Purple to add the berries to the right of the door hanger. Mix a bit of Buttermilk with the color Sable Brown and use it with a round tip brush to add accent lines to the pumpkin.

Watch the Replay

I painted this fun door hanger live on my Facebook page. If you weren’t there to paint it live with me you can watch the replay on my YouTube Channel. This is such a fun door hanger for the upcoming Fall season!

Do You Want My Favorite Paint Color List?

That was a lot of paint colors, I know! Did you know that I have a list of my favorite paint colors? This is a printable PDF of all the paint colors that I keep on hand and use most often! I recently updated it and it will help the most when you paint with me because for the most part I paint with colors from that list or colors that you can make with colors from that list. You can grab a copy of this list right here on my website!


Door Hangers for Beginners

A 5-part video series that will teach you how to create your own door hangers, step-by-step. Perfect for beginners and newbies alike!


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