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DIY Faux Piece of Cake for Idiom Day

by | Aug 15, 2023

Charlie wearing the piece of cake headband

Idiom Day at School

School is either back in session or about to start for most of us here in the United States, and with school starting back comes school projects. School projects are so fun to stretch our kids’ creativity and often work together as a family on.

My daughter Charlie did this fun project for idiom day at school. Her idiom was “piece of cake”. Here’s an overview of everything we used to create this project. You can shop my Amazon affiliate shop to find the majority of these products

Supply List

  1. Rectangular Piece of Styrofoam
  2. Headband
  3. Zip Tie
  4. Paper Plate
  5. Fast n’ Final Lightweight Spackling
  6. Paintbrush
  7. Cake Piping Tools

DecoArt Americana Paint Colors:

Note: Affiliate links included within this post for your convenience. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Creating Our Piece of Cake

Charlie was able to do almost this entire project all by herself. It was so much fun to watch her creativity flow! First we cut a small styrofoam block into a wedge shape and Charlie used DecoArt Americana Primary Yellow paint and a paint brush to paint the sides of the wedges. This will be the cake part. 

Adding Icing to the Piece of Cake Idiom Project

Next, I had some lightweight spackling that we used for the icing. We took the first bit and mixed it with Coral Blush paint in a bowl and Charlie spread it on using a plastic butter knife. 

little girl mixing with a bowl
butterknife being used to add icing to the fake cake

To add the borders I pulled out an icing bag and tip from my cake decorating kit. We mixed Teal Mint paint with the spackling then put it in the icing bag and let Charlie decorate her cake. This part turned out so cute and she did a really good job!

teal paint being mixed in a bowl with spackling
little girl piping icing on her fake cake

The Final Details for the Piece of Cake Idiom Project

Of course no cake it complete without candles! We added some birthday candles for a finishing touch. Finally using a zip tie and one of Charlie’s headbands I position the piece of cake onto a plate and then zip tied through the plate and cake and then around her headband so she could proudly wear it to school for Idiom Day. This was such a fun DIY project for Idiom Day and watching Charlie do most of it herself made me so proud! 

little girl wearing a cake on a plate on her head


Door Hangers for Beginners

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