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PC Proud

by | Mar 31, 2023

PC members with their door hangers

Periodically in Painter’s Clubhouse, our Clubhouse Manager, Megan, comes up with challenges for members to participate in! She does such a great job at keeping them fun and relevant. One of the most recent challenges encouraged PC Sisters to do a little bit of reflecting and to think about a door hanger they’ve painted that they’re super proud of. Once they selected that door hanger, the task was to share a photo of themselves with the door hanger and to share why it’s their favorite. Today, I’m so excited to spotlight some of our talented PC members and show you what project they are most proud of!

Sandy McQurter

Sandy shared this beautiful cardinal door hanger and a personal back story with the Painter’s Clubhouse members during this challenge. 

Sandy McQurter holding a cardinal door hanger

“I have many favorites. As I was thinking about which one, this one came to mind. This past weekend (Feb. 25th) marked the 3rd year since my Mama’s passing. She loved Cardinals, and she LOVED the snow. So this design is special. But shortly after her passing I ran across Tamara painting on FB. Painting was my therapy then, and still is.”

Sandy McQurter

Linda Helser

I love that Linda shares a door hanger that she made when it was her first time free handing everything. It looks so good and I am very impressed that she free handed it!

woman holding a door hanger with hiking boots and mountains with quote

“I designed this doorhanger for the January challenge. It was the first time I had to freehand everything – the mountains and trees were done first and I thought it looked awful, but I left it and came back the next day and couldn’t believe how great they looked! The hiking boots were the most challenging. I ended up putting my boots on the table as a reference.”

Linda Helser

Jacqueline Young

Jacqueline shares a door hanger that she is proud of with her PC Sisters and I love that she incorporated some originality into this piece.

woman holding a Christmas door hanger that says "Jesus is the reason for the season"

“I am proud of this door hanger because I didn’t follow the mock-up of the template. I thought I had seen Tamera teach how to paint shiplap but couldn’t find the video. I remembered something about baby wipes so I went with what I thought she did. It turned out better than I expected.”

Jacqueline Young

Hannah Matthews

Hannah loves glitter and she shares a little bit about where that started when talking about this door hanger that she is proud of.

woman with door hanger that has flowers and says "welcome friends"

“Pretty proud of this one. It was my first glitter door hanger. Now I am hooked on Glitter!”

Hannah Matthews

Judy Ditch

Judy hasn’t been painting long, but she is obsessed and I love that she shares this adorable door hanger as her PC Proud moment!

woman with valentine's day truck door hanger

“I have only been painting door hangers for a year since last springs workshop and I really just want to be a stay at home door hanger painter now!! I love doing this!! Not the best by any stretch of the imagination but I watch and rewatch PC videos and I’m slowly getting to a point where I can say I’m proud of some of my work. Below is one particular piece that took a while but I loved the lettering and metallic particularly. I had so many compliments from those that saw it hanging on my door. Thank you to Tamara and all my #pcsister ’s that encourage and give so much great support and advice.”

Judy Ditch

Amber Lovelady

Amber shares this adorable door hanger with her PC Sisters for her PC Proud moment and I love it. Like many others Amber has found painting to be extremely therapeutic.

two skunks on a round door hanger with flowers tails together to form a heart

“This is the doorhanger I’m most proud of! Being a PC sister has been such an incredible blessing to me. I have a spine deformity that over time has caused me to lose my legs and causes a great deal of pain. Learning to paint in the clubhouse has given me an outlet that I didn’t have before! Painting is my therapy and I thrive on the love and support I get to give and that I receive in this group. I have found that God is opening wonderful new doors for for at a time I just saw so many things changing for the worse. It is because of a good part of this group that I can just find time daily to paint and feel normal! Thank you Tamara Bennett! I look forward to all the new wonderful things coming! God is good!”

Amber Lovelady

Are You PC Proud?

Are you a current member of Painter Clubhouse that’s currently thinking about which of your door hangers makes you most proud? Perhaps you are not a member of Painter’s Clubhouse but reading some of these PC Proud moments makes you wish you were one. You can join us in the Painter’s Clubhouse to learn various tips and tricks to help you create a door hanger you’re proud of. I love watching PC Sisters come in and grow in both confidence and skills through the community that Painter’s Clubhouse offers. What’re you waiting for? Join us today!


Door Hangers for Beginners

A 5-part video series that will teach you how to create your own door hangers, step-by-step. Perfect for beginners and newbies alike!


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