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How to Set Up Your Business Facebook Page

by | Jun 28, 2021

If you’re making door hangers to sell in your business you need a way to market and promote your products. A business Facebook page is a great way to put your product in front of your potential audience and reach people beyond your local community. When it comes to creating a Facebook page for your business, it’s important that you set it up correctly and utilize it to the best of your ability. Today I’m going to break down some must haves on your Facebook page and also ways to offer value while being consistent with your posts. Let’s dive right in!

What You’ll Learn

Personalizing Your Facebook Page

What to Avoid on Your Facebook Page

What to Post on Your Facebook Page

How to Start an Email List Using a Business Facebook Page

Note: Affiliate links included within this post for your convenience.  

Personalizing Your Business Facebook Page

When customers come to your business Facebook page the first thing they’re going to see are your profile picture and cover photo and you really want them to stand out! Your profile picture should be a picture of you and maybe something you sell. Perhaps this is a photo of you with a door hanger or a photo of you wearing a certain shirt that you sell. Having a photo of you as your profile picture allows people to “get to know you.” They will start recognizing your picture when you are commenting on posts which makes it feel more personal. Your cover photo is the banner at the top of your Facebook page, think of it as a billboard. This should be updated regularly – at least once a quarter. Cover photos should include a photo of what you sell, even better if it can include a photo of you!

Screenshot of Southern A-Door-nments Facebook Page

What to Avoid on Your Facebook Page

I know that posting regularly to your Facebook page might seem overwhelming, but posting consistently is key! Even if you are only posting once a day, be sure that you are posting every day. Try to avoid sharing viral content, unless it resonates with your audience. Viral content hasn’t proven to have the reach that it once did. Another thing that you should avoid is using a personal Facebook profile for business. Create a business page and share from the business page to your personal page, I have seen too many people’s personal profiles get shut down and they lost their business following. Enough about what you shouldn’t post or do though, what should you post?

What to Post on Your Facebook Page

First be sure that your posts offer value. If you’re offering valuable content to your audience, they will want to come back for more. Share your story with your audience. Let them know where you came from, and the why and how of starting your business. People are more apt to support a business when they know the background of where it came from.

One of the great gifts of Facebook is that you can use it as a tool that will allow your audience to really get to know you. This will build the know, like, and trust factor which will help you build super fans of your business.

Tamara on phone

How to Start an Email List Using a Business Facebook Page

If your audience on Facebook is following along with you and engaging, have them sign up for your email list! Start an email list and post a link to join it on your Facebook business page. If you ever were to lose your Facebook page, how would people find you? Start collecting emails as soon as possible so that you can reach out to subscribers via email as well. If you’re using email marketing in business, I recommend using MailerLite.

Is email marketing a scary task to tackle? We have a membership group called Paint 2 Profit that provides marketing tip and even email marketing training. You can sign up today and gain access to a group of door hanger artist business owners that discuss what is working, what is selling, and what could be better. Paint 2 Profit is a great place to learn, network, and grow, and we’d love to have you join us!

Have Fun with Your Business Facebook Page

Now that you know how to set up your Facebook page you’re ready to go! Don’t let Facebook be overwhelming, just have fun with it and use it as a tool to allow your audience to really get to know you!

Related Resources


Door Hangers for Beginners

A 5-part video series that will teach you how to create your own door hangers, step-by-step. Perfect for beginners and newbies alike!


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