Hey y’all, I’m Tamara.
Welcome to my corner of the crafting world!
So…you want to create something beautiful. There’s just one problem…
You have no idea how to get started.
You’ve got a thousand and one ideas saved to your Pinterest board….but haven’t done a single one of them.
You know you want to get crafty, but you don’t feel like you have a creative bone in your body.
Does this sound like you? I’ve got good news!

You don’t have to be a full-blown artist, a “creative person” by nature, or even know how to draw a stick figure to have fun crafting and making your own door hangers.
If you want to learn, ANYTHING is possible. How do I know?
Because I’ve been in your shoes, too.
I started this business while my husband was on deployment in Afghanistan. At the time, I didn’t realize I was planting the seeds for starting a business. I was just inviting women into my house for a night of crafting once a month to save my sanity.
And no — I didn’t know how to paint when I started. But staying home with little ones while your husband is away can take its toll. I needed an outlet.
Because the truth is, doing stuff around the house did little to make me feel accomplished at the end of the day. I was just going to have to do it all over again tomorrow.
But when I started painting, I was so proud that I was able to create something beautiful from a plain piece of wood.
Everything was always fun and whimsical, and there was no pressure for things to be perfect. We all just wanted to show up and have a good time!
As I grew my skills, I started displaying my painted pieces around my home.
I always loved having something new to hang up, especially as the seasons changed!
And eventually, I realized I could make a little extra money from selling them or teaching others how to make their own.
Now almost 8 years later, I am so proud to say that my business has supported our family in ways I never expected!
My husband is no longer in the Marine Corps, we’ve grown into a small but mighty team! Everything we create is handmade and shipped out from our home workshop here in Kentucky. And I have the privilege to teach over 1,500 women every month how to paint door hangers and turn that hobby into a business.
It’s a dream come true!
You don’t have to want to run a business, too. Even if you’re just looking for a creative outlet but don’t know how to get started, I’m tellin’ ya…you got this!
The story behind the name…
Southern Adoornments
Southern A•door•nments
I’m from a small town in Kentucky, so “southern” just made sense! As for adoornments, I chose this word because it encompasses all kinds of ways to decorate and “adorn” your home. But the extra “o” is there as a play on words since creating door hangers is our main focus!
Join the Club(s)!
Create Your Own Door Hangers
Even if you’ve never picked up a paintbrush in your life, I’ll teach you how to create your own beautiful door hangers.
Get New Door Hanger Templates in the Template Club
Each month you’ll get 20+ new templates before they go public (and at a discount too)!
Get Exclusive Designs with my Big Box of Blanks
Each season, you’ll receive a brand new box of door hanger designs on wooden blanks, PLUS easy-to-follow tutorials.
The Materials You Need to
Create Your Own Door Hangers
Grab Your Door Hanger Materials:
Free Door Hanger & Painting Resources:
Easily add buffalo plaid to your design with this FREE Procreate brush!
Download our Free Truck Template! Perfect for any home, office, or cabin.
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